$12 Grading Special
Any Card Valued $1500 or Less
Create a free account and grade any card valued at $1500 or less for $12. No card limit—$1500 applies per card, not per order. Turnaround time for this special is 2-5 days.

Why Diamond Grade
At DGC, we prioritize unmatched customer service, satisfaction, and product quality as we innovate the grading process and raise industry standards. With 36 years of experience handling all types of cards and collectibles, we've spent years developing a unique product that you and your collection deserve.
The DGC business structure is built around you, the customer. We take pride in meeting our deadlines and employ strategies to ensure we deliver on time. Customer service is our number one priority!
We take pride in providing high-quality products and services, aiming to exceed expectations. With years of manufacturing experience, we understand the steps needed to achieve the industry's highest standards.
Innovation is the key to our success. Our team continuously explores new ideas and technologies to advance our grading services and improve additional products. DGC promises to stay ahead through constant innovation.
Our grading structure maximizes a card's value. Cards with 45/55 centering do not achieve a 10 grade. We have additional quality checkpoints, and four sharp corners are essential for the highest grades.
We believe in open communication and honesty with our customers. Rejecting the “corporate” mentality, we provide as much detail as possible. Your results will always be available with detailed descriptions, unmatched by any other grading company.
©2024 Diamond Grade Cards LLC. All rights reserved